“Values are like fingerprints. Nobody’s are the same, but you leave them all over everything you do” -Elvis Presley
Now, that we have started the process of building your value by gaining a deeper self-awareness around your WHY and COMMITMENT which only will intrinsically pull you forward. It’s time to continue down this path with (Part 2) of building a personal brand that monetizes: Understanding your core values.
First, lets get to the origin of the word “VALUE,” the dictionary describes it as: 1) the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something 2) something (such as a principle or quality) intrinsically valuable or desirable.
The questions you should ask yourself here is; What drives my daily behaviors? What do I hold important in my life internally? What are some enduring beliefs I hold important when pursuing my BIG COMMITMENT OR LIFE GOALS? As you will find getting out as an Ambitious Veteran there will be things in your everyday life that will naturally drive your behaviors on a fundamental level like your “non-negotables” in feeling empowered, happy, and fulfilled.
For example: We have a client in our Warrior to Passion Driven “Signature Program right now who’s core values are honesty, loyalty, accountability, discipline, & service. These would be the foundation for him feeling empowered and fulfilled in his everyday life. We are helping him shape behaviors to execute on these daily values for him to not only build value and confidence, but to begin to be known for something.
“Just like in the military we were shaped by the organizations values to produce a predicted result defined by them, we can now dictate or life by understanding what truly drives us!” -Chris Hoffmann
When you think Nike, the first thought you get is probably “the champion brand” or “victory.” As the Greek meaning of Nike means “Victory.”
When people are around you they should catch a feeling about you or have some consistent thoughts about who you are. How we train, coach and teach this is through Dr. Golden’s VAL Assessment (Value Arrangement List), which is a one of a kind assessment designed to measure and define the values that are most important to you an individual in achieving a life or career goal.
When breaking your core values down, you categorize them into two sections 1) Operational 2) Life.
- Operational: is what are the daily values that drive your daily behavior. A good example from my life is the value; integrity. This value is vitally important to me as I build relationships, network, and get things moving forward professionally and personally.
- Life: is the end goal or internal values that you are consistently pursing long term. Back to my example of integrity, what this value makes available for my life down the road is a person considered as credible and reliable. Who wouldn’t want someone who is thought of as this?
So what drives you? When life gets hard as an Ambitious VET what foundation do you fall on to. I promise you if your feeling dis-aligned or disempowered 9 times out of 10 your dishonoring a core value that you either are aware or not.
We are now 4 weeks away from our OFFICIAL LAUNCH OF OUR EBOOK: 10 Steps to Predicted Success Out of the Uniform AND 6 MONTH COACHING/MASTERMIND PROGRAM: “180 Days to Profiting from your #1 Passion in Life,” ON MAY 7TH. For those of you who have been following us closely you will be receiving an EARLY BIRD SPECIAL OFFER where we will be offering bundles and individual offers that will set you up for long lasting SUCCESS out of the uniform!
For ongoing details get involved inside our EXCLUSIVE Ambitious VET Network Facebook Group where we have 450+ Ambitious VETS together getting everything they need to thrive out of the uniform!

By: Chris Hoffmann, Founder of the Ambitious VET Network