“An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field.” – Niels Bohr
We have been digging into the art of building your value and mastering the process of being someone in something.
In step three we will briefly dive into “Being known as the ACE.” You could also call this expertise. For example in my case: I like to solve a lot of problems and have tons of energy to back it up! Getting out of the Marine Corps I would put a lot of my focus on how do I make money quickly and a lot of it! Opposed to the problems that needed to be solved which I was equipped to bring a solution to which led me to coaching and training. I have learned after gaining the self awareness of what your gifts and skillsets are its your job to be consistent in developing them.
There are problems right in front of your face on a daily basis, that in which, you are not ok with and would love to do something about, you just lack the skillset or knowledge to get it done!” -Chris Hoffmann
For those of you who know me I am avid on teaching Ambitious VETS two core messages:
- Self Awareness
- Resourcefulness
Meaning you have to know who you are as a brand and then know what resources to go and get before you ever learn how to be sustainably successful out of the uniform!
Here are two #goldengrenades to help you understand how to begin the process of becoming an expert at something and living that meaningful life your looking for out of the uniform:
1) Know the problem you’re trying to provide a solution to: there is an epidemic happening out in the world that you’re not ok with. There is something happening in the world that you wanna stand against. More Importantly, there is a problem that you are equipped with the passion, vision, and gifts to solve, but your just not aware of it because your either living to survive or your waiting for someone else to do it!
Maybe, there is someone else doing it and you can help the company solve the problem more efficiently or effectively.
One thing we are committed to at the Ambitious VET Network is that WHATEVER MATTERS TO YOU THAT YOU HAVE THE CLARITY FOR EXECUTION AND ARE EMPOWERED ALONG THE JOURNEY OF BECOMING THAT PERSON WHO IS LIVING A PASSION DRIVEN LIFE OUT OF THE UNIFORM. So, you don’t have to be an entrepreneur to be a problem solver and become an expert in something, we all thrive in different environments.
2) Mastering the process: If you follow anyone who is an expert in any industry you will find that they have mastered the art of creating a predictable system that creates monetization and success. Once you find the problem you wanna solve you create routines, rituals, habits around key performance indicators that align with you fulfilling on that number one problem you want to be associated in solving. Be in it for the long term, be the turtle that creates consistent value in a narrowed focus and lives longer vs being a rabbit who reacts quickly and gets distracted on the next shiny opportunity which leads to personal brand death.
In summary AMBITIOUS VETS, know the mission you’re going after and gain awareness around the skillsets, resources, and network you need to build in becoming known for something. It’s the day to day character that you bring to this world that people view that equals your REPUTATION.
May 7th is just around the corner and I am excited to launch this Ebook “10 steps to Predicted Success Out of the Uniform” who “Strength 4 Spouses” is explaining it as this:
So for those of you who are AMBITIOUS VETS and are looking for the secret formula like I was along the process of fulfilling on that BIG VISION out of the uniform, stay tuned and get closer to us and our tribe at The Ambitious VET Network where we have 500+ Ambitious Veterans sharing tools, insights, & strategies on how to live a passion driven life out of the uniform! We will be announcing more details as we get closer to launch date.

By: Chris Hoffmann, Founder of the Ambitious VET Network